Chin Up Mama

Self-Portrait with Son, Photo Print on Canvas with Hand Embroidery

About Francesca 

Francesca Balaguer-Mercado, visual storyteller and multi-media creative imprinted her unique signature to the local art scene with solo exhibits cementing her brand of whimsical portraiture and one-of a kind aesthetic. She successfully completed her masters in fine arts in San Francisco graduating cum laude and apprenticed among some of the most renowned artists in the US. She was dead-set on a career trajectory of exploring more and more artistic expressions. But as it often happens, life alters the course to unexplored territories that we never would’ve considered in the first place. For Francesca, the birth of her son Faber, as well as a series of tragic events in her personal life have sparked her own metamorphosis from a purely expression-driven artist to a mother first and foremost, an instrument of creation in the highest sense. 

Self-Portrait with Son

Son's Watercolor art layered on top of Photo

SPOON (detail)

Self-Portrait with son printed on Baby Blanket, with Hand Embroidery and wool braiding 

Prior to the birth of her son, Francesca had planned on carrying on her artistic pursuits full-time after she had finished a self-imposed maternity leave. But as fate would have it, she and her husband couldn’t find a suitable care-giver or even adequate help that would allow Francesca to work. She was thrust into full-time motherhood and managing a household. These were unchartered waters and she struggled with the loneliness, self-doubt about her value and contribution to the world, as well as the longing to get back into her artistic pursuits. But as she nursed and nestled Faber each day, the inexplicable joy of being with her son and seeing all the glorious milestones of his young life were also too palpable to ignore. Motherhood when done right is a highly creative process and once Francesca had embraced her new role, the artist-mother was re-born inside her aching to express and share the wonderful contours and textures of this season of life. 


Self Portrait with Son, Cyanotype Print on Cotton with Hand Embroidery

5ft x 7ft

Nurturing a child requires deliberately slowing down, letting go of perfection and a willingness to allow wonder and spontaneity into our daily life. Francesca, her husband Franco, and Faber moved out of the city into a lush compound with her extended family, where they grew their own vegetables surrounded by farm animals. These principles of slow, intentional living eventually led Francesca to incorporate Saori weaving, crochet, needle point and other forms of fiber art into her daily life with her family. These humble crafts are traditionally function-driven and made in between caring for children and housework. Francesca’s unique vision however transformed these domestic crafts into a story of her journey and transformation as an artist-mother. Her latest exhibit, “A Beautiful Mess”, is a testament of her commitment to motherhood first and her steadfast faith in the fatherly love of her Creator who had not forgotten the desire of her heart to share her art with the world.


Apron made from repurposed pre-motherhood denim pants with Saori Weaving detail and Cyanotype print text

Detail of weaving

Sometimes I'm the Mess, 

Sometimes I'm the Broom,

On the hardest days, I have to be BOTH.

Let Down

Photo Print on Breastfeeding Cover with Cotton Hand Embroidery and Saori Weaving

In between the mundane tasks of making a home, Francesca has gratefully created beautiful pieces that symbolize different stages of her journey – from miscarriages, to pregnancy, to breastfeeding and playing with Faber – as well as the spectrum of emotions that accompanied each phase. She speaks of the constant cycle of emptying of self and re-filling with love that fuels her to press on with just one more dance, one more dirty diaper and one more story despite the wall of exhaustion that many a mother face every day. 

Make It Count

1,000 Crocheted 7-Stitch Ornaments
Organic Cotton, Extra Large Metal Safety Pins

Parents have 1,000 weeks with their child before they go off to college or
become young adults. Each ornament has 7 stitches representing the 7 days of a
week. With each passing week, an ornament is moved from the larger safety pin
to the smaller one.

I’ve had 233 weeks with my son. I’m going to make all the rest count.

(Above) Growth

Needlepunch with metallic and wool yarn with embroidery hoop

(Right) Covered 

Cotton Freestyle Crochet on Kewpie Vintage Doll

Must Be Done

Mammogram Cyanotype Print on Cotton Fabric with Hand Embroidery

Ikot Ikot

Cyanotype Print with Hand Embroidery

Macrame with Heartbeat Pattern and Hand Weaving
Cotton, Wool

Her art now is a celebration of motherhood, the vital work of raising children and its invaluable contribution to a functioning society. It is a reminder that value is not solely seen in what we do as a profession but in who we are and who we become in the process.


Photo on Fabric Breastfeeding Cover

Using Format